Quinn has been wanting to go up North for a while now to see Kayla's parents and this weekend we are finally heading up with her. It's been since around December so she is very excited! We have a lot of things planned and plan on leaving after work tonight. Her Mom is letting me pick her up early which is really nice and then we hit the road.
Its nice to just get away for a while even if its just a weekend. Getting our of the city and up North lets us not worry about cell phones or other things. Gives us all a chance to just have fun and see Kay's family. We packed a lot of Quinn's toys but she also loves playing with dog's there and having fun with her parents and brothers.
I can't wait to pick her up and see how excited she is, she's being waiting for a while now and our weekend finally came! I can't wait to post some fun pics and tell you how the weekend was!
Enjoy your weekend, have fun and be safe!
Always remember,
You are never alone...
A Guide to Single Parenthood. Tips, tricks and life long lessons about just getting by.
"Make sure that what you are doing and striving for is going to be worth any sacrifices you will have to make along the way. If it's a relationship, job, anything in life."
Friday, May 30, 2014
Wednesday, May 28, 2014
A Mid Week Break...
This was taken about a year ago, sometimes its cute to just remember how she looked just a year ago...
Always remember,
You are never alone...
Tuesday, May 27, 2014
The Late Weekend Update!
I took a week off from the Tuesday's Tip to post about the last weekend we had.
The last weekend we had Quinn we headed out for breakfast with Aunt Ro, Violet, Kay, Quinn and Peter. We headed out to Denny's and had a great breakfast with some family members we don't get to see much. The breakfast was nice and Quinn had a wonderful time. Aunt Ro and Violet had so much fun with her. Later that day we took her nap and then headed to a park! Since it has been getting nicer out Quinn has been wanting to get outside and enjoy some exercise!
As we ran around and played it was so nice to finally just be out of the house and enjoying some fresh air! As the summer rolls on I can't wait to find some new parks and get Quinn outside more and more... We have a big week to come and even bigger weekend!!! I can't wait to update you! Stay posted... Summer is finally here...
Enjoy the pics!
The last weekend we had Quinn we headed out for breakfast with Aunt Ro, Violet, Kay, Quinn and Peter. We headed out to Denny's and had a great breakfast with some family members we don't get to see much. The breakfast was nice and Quinn had a wonderful time. Aunt Ro and Violet had so much fun with her. Later that day we took her nap and then headed to a park! Since it has been getting nicer out Quinn has been wanting to get outside and enjoy some exercise!
As we ran around and played it was so nice to finally just be out of the house and enjoying some fresh air! As the summer rolls on I can't wait to find some new parks and get Quinn outside more and more... We have a big week to come and even bigger weekend!!! I can't wait to update you! Stay posted... Summer is finally here...
Enjoy the pics!
Monday, May 26, 2014
Happy Memorial Day!
I hope everyone had a great weekend! I took a few days off to get some things done and just relax. Today is Memorial Day a very special day. We remember all who have fallen and served in our armed forces. Today there were many people out putting flags on graves and remembering those who gave the ultimate sacrifice. Please keep everyone in your hearts and prayers who has done this...
Today was also special because I got to spend the day with Quinn! We headed out and picked her up and headed out to some parks! It was such a beautiful day I can't believe how perfect it was. We went to about 2 different parks and Quinn had such a blast! Later that day we headed over to my parents and had a nice dinner. Uncle Kenny came and Aunt Ro! We grilled out, played in the yard and just had so much fun over all.
After spending the day outside Quinn was tried. We headed back to her Mom's and then called it a day. With having such a bad Winter this was such an amazing start to summer. I hope everyone had an amazing and fun day today!
Enjoy the pics!!!
Always Remember,
You are Never alone.
Today was also special because I got to spend the day with Quinn! We headed out and picked her up and headed out to some parks! It was such a beautiful day I can't believe how perfect it was. We went to about 2 different parks and Quinn had such a blast! Later that day we headed over to my parents and had a nice dinner. Uncle Kenny came and Aunt Ro! We grilled out, played in the yard and just had so much fun over all.
After spending the day outside Quinn was tried. We headed back to her Mom's and then called it a day. With having such a bad Winter this was such an amazing start to summer. I hope everyone had an amazing and fun day today!
Enjoy the pics!!!
Always Remember,
You are Never alone.
Here she is, getting great exercise!
Kayla and Quinn.
Quinn had so much fun!
Playing around at Oma's!
The great food!
Quinn and Aunt Ro!
It was great!
Uncle Kenny and Quinn!
Wednesday, May 21, 2014
A Mid Week Break!
My little one flashing her upside down peace sign. She's just so goofy sometimes...
Hope you're having a great week!
Always remember
You are never alone...
A Night with Oma
Last Friday Oma came over for dinner and to talk about the trip her and my Dad took a few weeks ago to California. Kay got some pizza and we all sat down to eat. Quinn was excited to see Oma and some of the fun gifts that were awaiting. One of the gifts they got her was a fun board game! It was like the game Sorry.
After the game we took a trip to get some Ice Cream! We took a drive down to the lake and ate our ice cream. It was nice to just sit and relax while we talked and ate our dessert. Once we finished we took a quick drive down to a park by our home and saw my Dad and brother! They were there helping with a scout event. He was so excited and surprised to see us! The visit was short but nice, when we got home we just relaxed a little and then it was off to bed!
The night was so much fun, but I know you will see this in the pictures!
Always remember,
You are never alone...
After the game we took a trip to get some Ice Cream! We took a drive down to the lake and ate our ice cream. It was nice to just sit and relax while we talked and ate our dessert. Once we finished we took a quick drive down to a park by our home and saw my Dad and brother! They were there helping with a scout event. He was so excited and surprised to see us! The visit was short but nice, when we got home we just relaxed a little and then it was off to bed!
The night was so much fun, but I know you will see this in the pictures!
Always remember,
You are never alone...
Kay and Quinn
Oma and Quinn
Here is Quinn looking at her new game!
Time to play!
Kayla won!!!
Tuesday, May 20, 2014
Tuesday's Tip: Making sure they don't nap to much...
If Quinn has been good we let her sleep in our bed and maybe watch a little TV, other days she sleeps in her own bed and just plays with her toys before she goes down. You don't want her to always be in your bed but having them there every once and a while isn't bad it makes them feel save and they will probably nap better.
So for a tip do the following:
1) Let you child still nap but make it after lunch so they at least ate and its not to early or to late in the day.
2) Let them only nap for a hour or so, do wake them softly and let them know they have to get up now.
3) Let them nap still, kids need them never feel you have to force your child to be from sunup to sundown.
4) If you are tired, nap with them, take some time to rest up. After all you work hard to!
5) Never let them feel bad for napping but let them know the older they get the less they will have. Once they get older they will still sneak on in as adults still do but control the nap. You don't want a tired kid on your hands because they didn't get one, or one that now can sleep because it was to long.
If you have other tips let me know!
Yes! Adults can take them too!
Always remember,
You are never alone...
Monday, May 19, 2014
Halfway there...
Still waiting to update the weekend pic's I wanted to update everyone and let you know I am about halfway through my 3 month getting ready for summer program. As you know I posted around the beginning of April talking about how the next three months are going to be getting ready for summer.
Where I am today? Well over the past month and a half I have been eating even better than I was and working out more. Getting the right post workout drink mixes and just in general focusing on doing it. The past several years I feel I have been working out to stay in ok shape but now I brought it to a new level. Now that we are about half way there I have been shifting gears and just getting more and more healthier. I have had a few cheat days with some food but nothing big and with working out almost every day pushing heavier and heavier workouts I can finally really see results. I have started working my core in a better format and routine as well. Then next month or so will be my biggest challenge. I will step it up to the final gear and just focus on really getting into shape and ready.
There are many stories about people that transform them selves in a 3 month period and already being in not bad a shape I feel I should be able to do this and finally be in the shape I want to. With my final month starting it is time to really focus on my core and doing things nightly even if I can't make the gym. I hope to be ready by July... We will see......
Stay tuned!
Always remember,
You are never alone...
Where I am today? Well over the past month and a half I have been eating even better than I was and working out more. Getting the right post workout drink mixes and just in general focusing on doing it. The past several years I feel I have been working out to stay in ok shape but now I brought it to a new level. Now that we are about half way there I have been shifting gears and just getting more and more healthier. I have had a few cheat days with some food but nothing big and with working out almost every day pushing heavier and heavier workouts I can finally really see results. I have started working my core in a better format and routine as well. Then next month or so will be my biggest challenge. I will step it up to the final gear and just focus on really getting into shape and ready.
There are many stories about people that transform them selves in a 3 month period and already being in not bad a shape I feel I should be able to do this and finally be in the shape I want to. With my final month starting it is time to really focus on my core and doing things nightly even if I can't make the gym. I hope to be ready by July... We will see......
Stay tuned!
Always remember,
You are never alone...
Saturday, May 17, 2014
The weekends not over yet!
I plan on posting yesterdays post tomorrow so I can get the pics up, today I took a break from my camera. We had a great day today, Quinn got up and hung out with us in our room before breakfast. She had a eggs, toast and sausage and she ate so well! Its so interesting to see her eating grow up food. Not that she eats baby food but to eat a breakfast I would just makes me smile, how big she's getting. We spent the better part of the morning just cleaning up and playing. Quinn played in her room as we just got the day ready. We would join in and again, its just so amazing to see how independent she is.
We then took a trip to Target! Kay and I picked up some supplies for her room and some new cloths! She needed some summer PJ's so she helped us pick some out. I try to take her with us because if she picks out an outfit she will wear it and if I take a chance and she doesn't like it its a battle. After we headed to lunch! I told her I would get her a fish fry, we have a place down the road that does them. After lunch we had a nice nap and then Becky came over! She is one of Kayla's good friends. We had a very healthy dinner! Quinn has been eating some of the healthy grains and foods we have been eating and I'm so proud. It's great to get kids started young and there are very healthy good foods that they will enjoy! I will make sure to post soon about them.
After a little TV we headed off to bed, since we had so much rain this past week the ground was still a little wet so we did have to keep a low key. I can't wait to update you on yesterdays adventure with pics as well as the big day we have tomorrow!
I hope everyone is having a wonderful weekend!
Always remember,
You are never alone...
We then took a trip to Target! Kay and I picked up some supplies for her room and some new cloths! She needed some summer PJ's so she helped us pick some out. I try to take her with us because if she picks out an outfit she will wear it and if I take a chance and she doesn't like it its a battle. After we headed to lunch! I told her I would get her a fish fry, we have a place down the road that does them. After lunch we had a nice nap and then Becky came over! She is one of Kayla's good friends. We had a very healthy dinner! Quinn has been eating some of the healthy grains and foods we have been eating and I'm so proud. It's great to get kids started young and there are very healthy good foods that they will enjoy! I will make sure to post soon about them.
After a little TV we headed off to bed, since we had so much rain this past week the ground was still a little wet so we did have to keep a low key. I can't wait to update you on yesterdays adventure with pics as well as the big day we have tomorrow!
I hope everyone is having a wonderful weekend!
Always remember,
You are never alone...
Friday, May 16, 2014
Looking for a new name...
So over the past three wonderful blogging years I have used rosinisblog.blogspot.com. I am now looking for a new name. I like the title of my blog still but can't think of a new website address... Something more single parents can find and maybe be easier to search for. Any ideas? Let me know!!
Always remember,
You are never alone...
Always remember,
You are never alone...
Thursday, May 15, 2014
Why we keep fighting...
Sometimes I wonder why we keep fighting. Not in the sense you might think, fighting with words or fist but fighting the fight that is. Like little guy, underdog or the one you think just doesn't have a chance. I came across the following movie yesterday on TV and the clip below you will see. I thought about it and even though a fight scene it is we fight, we persist, we as humans never give up.
As a single Dad I never give up, I never will. A battle of just trying to see my daughter that has so many times felt like it ended in nothing but No's as answers. Over the past three years I've made some progress mainly the fact that we don't argue, but a lot of that is due to us just not talking. However there were times I just sat down and honestly felt I lost, felt I didn't read the decree and now the times are set. I just thought I was going to see her as little as possible and when it came to watching her grow up I had to do it around the rules that were said. I thought and thought about what I could do and honestly I just one day said its better to pick your battles. So now I let the small stuff go and know when Quinn gets older she will see for her self. I'll always be honest with her and when the time comes and she is ready answer any questions she may have.
All the hard times and being alone with questions still melt away when I hug my little girl. When she smiles and tells me she loves me. This is why I fight, this I why I'll never give up. That little girl is counting on her Dad to be there and not break, be strong and show her how to grow up and become a life loving woman. When the days go by and I finally see her that hug melts all the anger away it brings me to a place that just makes even the hardest work week disappear. So when you ask why I fight, this is why...
However I still continue to fight, to show I am here and will be apart of her life. What ever your situation you must keep fighting, fight for you child for your rights to be a parent and never give up... So when you feel all hope is lost fight and keep fighting...
Always remember,
You are never alone...
As a single Dad I never give up, I never will. A battle of just trying to see my daughter that has so many times felt like it ended in nothing but No's as answers. Over the past three years I've made some progress mainly the fact that we don't argue, but a lot of that is due to us just not talking. However there were times I just sat down and honestly felt I lost, felt I didn't read the decree and now the times are set. I just thought I was going to see her as little as possible and when it came to watching her grow up I had to do it around the rules that were said. I thought and thought about what I could do and honestly I just one day said its better to pick your battles. So now I let the small stuff go and know when Quinn gets older she will see for her self. I'll always be honest with her and when the time comes and she is ready answer any questions she may have.
All the hard times and being alone with questions still melt away when I hug my little girl. When she smiles and tells me she loves me. This is why I fight, this I why I'll never give up. That little girl is counting on her Dad to be there and not break, be strong and show her how to grow up and become a life loving woman. When the days go by and I finally see her that hug melts all the anger away it brings me to a place that just makes even the hardest work week disappear. So when you ask why I fight, this is why...
However I still continue to fight, to show I am here and will be apart of her life. What ever your situation you must keep fighting, fight for you child for your rights to be a parent and never give up... So when you feel all hope is lost fight and keep fighting...
Always remember,
You are never alone...
Wednesday, May 14, 2014
Monday, May 12, 2014
Happy Birthday Jimbos!
Today is Jim's birthday, Uncle Jim is one of my best friends. I've known Jim for so long. As we grew up we became the best of pals. Spending weekends hanging out, sleepovers and trying to stay out of trouble. As we grew up we stayed friends through high school and college. Jim lives in CT right outside Hartford. He comes home every few times a year and yes I do owe him a visit! Our other best friend Paul and I are working out the kinks.
Jim just recently got engaged his long time girlfriend Meg haven't set a date yet but I am so excited! I think next year will be the date. What I can say is Jim has always been there, we have been friends since the beginning and he's always been there. We know each other better than anyone.
Jim is so good with Quinn and when she is around she just loves playing and being with him. He's so good with her and just treats her with so much love.
I just wanted to say happy birthday buddy. I love you!
Always Remember,
You are never alone...
Jim just recently got engaged his long time girlfriend Meg haven't set a date yet but I am so excited! I think next year will be the date. What I can say is Jim has always been there, we have been friends since the beginning and he's always been there. We know each other better than anyone.
Jim is so good with Quinn and when she is around she just loves playing and being with him. He's so good with her and just treats her with so much love.
I just wanted to say happy birthday buddy. I love you!
Always Remember,
You are never alone...
Here we are! Kodak cooler story not included... You will have to stay posted...
Sunday, May 11, 2014
Happy Mothers Day!
Today marks a very important day, a day when we can thank and love our Mothers more than we already do. Today we started out by going to Church and spending that time with my parents. We also called Kayla's Mom and said hello and wished her a very happy Mother's day to. We also called Kayla's grandmothers as well. Kayla and I went and visited the Lilac Festival and walked around. The weather finally gave us a break and the sun was out. After getting a some things to eat and smelling the flowers we headed home. It was mid day and the crowd was getting much larger.
We stopped by my parents for a bit and had some dinner. It was nice to just sit in the sun and finally get a little tan. After dinner we had some dessert and thanked my with with a small gift. When we got home I can tell you we were both so very tired!
I wanted to thank every Mom out there and just say Happy Mothers day for all you do and for all the love you have given us. Mothers are so important and even thought it is just a day we should thank them everyday. They kept us safe and healed our wounds when we got hurt. They showed us wright from wrong and watched us grow up.
Thank you Mom I love you very much, and Happy Mothers Day!
Always remember,
You are never alone...
We stopped by my parents for a bit and had some dinner. It was nice to just sit in the sun and finally get a little tan. After dinner we had some dessert and thanked my with with a small gift. When we got home I can tell you we were both so very tired!
I wanted to thank every Mom out there and just say Happy Mothers day for all you do and for all the love you have given us. Mothers are so important and even thought it is just a day we should thank them everyday. They kept us safe and healed our wounds when we got hurt. They showed us wright from wrong and watched us grow up.
Thank you Mom I love you very much, and Happy Mothers Day!
Always remember,
You are never alone...
Thursday, May 8, 2014
The rest of the weekend
The rest of this past weekend was great! Saturday Quinn, Kay and I worked on a puzzle, chuck even helped out! It was the tail end of some colder wet weather so we stayed in just a little that day. The puzzle was great because it was a larger one we finished a puzzle last year but this was a 100 piece one so it challenged her. We did a great job and when we finished we all signed it and put it up to show! Later that day we went to Kay's families house for a party. We had so much fun and Quinn played with the kids there. It was nice to see the family and the kids all playing together.
The next day we did some homework and did some cleaning up. Quinn had some math homework and as she worked on it I noticed her writing is getting a lot better and as her homework gets harder she is doing a great job keeping up. Sunday is a great day to honestly just rest and get ready for the week. Quinn took a nice nap and caught up on some sleep. I could tell she was so tired, poor kid. She felt so much better when she woke up. We dropped her off later that night and started the week again.
As this month goes on I am excited to see what adventures come and as the weather gets nicer I am very excited. Parks and playing outside will start. I hope you enjoys the pics!
Always remember,
You are never alone...
Here it is!
Getting started!
Even chuck joined in!
All set! It looks great!
Wednesday, May 7, 2014
A Mid Week Break
Aunt Ro and Quinn!
Hope everyone is having a wonderful weekend!
Always remember,
You are never alone...
Tuesday, May 6, 2014
Tuesday's Tip: Get ready for the Tantrums.
This past weekend when Quinn came over we were getting a breakfast or lunch ready and she started getting upset. Kayla and I have been really good at making different foods for meals and not just giving Quinn chicken nuggets or Mac & Cheese. She got upset and started yelling and kicking. (classic tantrum) We put our foot down and told her some options but that was it. She picked one that we all agreed on and we sat down to eat.
When it comes to kids always getting what they want, don't let it happen! Give them some options some times yes. Other times they have to realize what's for dinner is what we are eating. If they get the notion they can just get what ever they want, ohhhh they are in for a big surprise! We as parents have to learn to show our kids that yes there is variety in life but we have to also follow the rules. When I was growing up my family cooked dinner and if there was something we really didn't like we wouldn't have to eat it. Fish is my brothers, mine is any cheese on broccoli, I like broccoli now but still can not put any cheese near it! When it comes to vegetables well that's another post. When it comes to Tantrums well some kids may never have them and some may have them a lot. I can tell you that you can fuel one by letting a child become to spoiled or letting them win. In a world where we are changing so fast it is not easy.
Here are a few tips for Tantrums...
1) Try to stop them before they start. Talk to your child about whatever it is you are doing at the time and think about options. If you give some options it helps. If there are no options to give then just still be firm but explain why.
2) If you can't see it coming and they throw one just relax and get ready. Try to control them but let them vent a little and then talk to them. If they don't cool down, right up to their room. Don't get easy on them, put them in their room so they know they can't act like that.
3) If you find you are going to be in that scene again before hand try to explain it. If its a dinner matter before you drop the dinner ball tell them what's for dinner and if there are some options.
4) Don't use power of being a parent to always get your way this will only cause them to get upset. You can say "I'm the parent and that's how it goes" sometimes yes but not every time. You want them to be happy and not always feel they aren't heard.
5) Almost most important, if you are out in public then stop it right away. Take them home or give them one heck of a warning. Let them know if they act like this around others it's game over. If you leave they will learn you mean business.
Kids have been throwing the good old tantrum for as long as we have had kids around. Even adults throw them. The best thing we can do is just learn how to deal with them and let them grow. Raise them with rules but allow them to speak up and give their side. I know there are many other tips on this subject and if you have any you feel you like feel free to share! We just have to live and learn...
Always remember,
You are never alone...
When it comes to kids always getting what they want, don't let it happen! Give them some options some times yes. Other times they have to realize what's for dinner is what we are eating. If they get the notion they can just get what ever they want, ohhhh they are in for a big surprise! We as parents have to learn to show our kids that yes there is variety in life but we have to also follow the rules. When I was growing up my family cooked dinner and if there was something we really didn't like we wouldn't have to eat it. Fish is my brothers, mine is any cheese on broccoli, I like broccoli now but still can not put any cheese near it! When it comes to vegetables well that's another post. When it comes to Tantrums well some kids may never have them and some may have them a lot. I can tell you that you can fuel one by letting a child become to spoiled or letting them win. In a world where we are changing so fast it is not easy.
Here are a few tips for Tantrums...
1) Try to stop them before they start. Talk to your child about whatever it is you are doing at the time and think about options. If you give some options it helps. If there are no options to give then just still be firm but explain why.
2) If you can't see it coming and they throw one just relax and get ready. Try to control them but let them vent a little and then talk to them. If they don't cool down, right up to their room. Don't get easy on them, put them in their room so they know they can't act like that.
3) If you find you are going to be in that scene again before hand try to explain it. If its a dinner matter before you drop the dinner ball tell them what's for dinner and if there are some options.
4) Don't use power of being a parent to always get your way this will only cause them to get upset. You can say "I'm the parent and that's how it goes" sometimes yes but not every time. You want them to be happy and not always feel they aren't heard.
5) Almost most important, if you are out in public then stop it right away. Take them home or give them one heck of a warning. Let them know if they act like this around others it's game over. If you leave they will learn you mean business.
Kids have been throwing the good old tantrum for as long as we have had kids around. Even adults throw them. The best thing we can do is just learn how to deal with them and let them grow. Raise them with rules but allow them to speak up and give their side. I know there are many other tips on this subject and if you have any you feel you like feel free to share! We just have to live and learn...
Always remember,
You are never alone...
Monday, May 5, 2014
The Weekend Shakedown...
This weekend started off great! I plan on splitting up the weekend in a few post. Friday I picked up Quinn and she was just so happy to get weekend going! We got home and had some dinner with kay. After I introduced her to baklava. A teammate from work who is Greek brought it in. It was so good, Quinn however wasn't tune to it. She said she will try it later as she gets older. I laughed and said okay. After dinner we just hung in and watched some TV. The weather is still cool and wet outside. Plus it rained all day Friday. We just have to wait a little longer for this we season to pass. I had to fix the old rocking chair this week. A part of the back broke and Quinn was so happy we were back in business and she got to get rocked a little more before bed. I know she is getting older and bigger now but even if i just rock he for a song or two before bed it honestly is one of my favorite things.
We did have a great rest of the weekend which I plan on finishing up with some more post so keep tuned! Here is the dessert Quinn tired!
Always Remember,
You are never alone...
Sunday, May 4, 2014
May the Fourth Be With You

Today is National Star Wars Day! For many this isn't a big event but for some its a day to have fun and watch some good classic movies! Star Wars for me was important because I loved the movies and the video games. I've owned many in my day and grew up at the end of the second trilogy. When I was almost done with High School they were working on Episode one. I think when that came out many people were excited but they had some complaints. It was a good backdrop to the series but they could have things differently. As two and and Later three came out I was in College, then in my first job. I think they did a great job on them. I later heard George Lucas wasn't going to complete 7,8 and 9. I also heard there was episodes 10,11, and 12. Not to long about George Lucas sold the rights to star wars and some other projects to Disney. At first I was upset because it was his biggest project and had such a following. I also didn't want them to Fuck it up!
As time went on I noticed the movies produced by Disney up to Par. They did the Pirates of the Caribbean which was good. So with Star Wars Episode 7 being worked on and due in 2015 I will say I am excited. George Lucas reportedly sold the franchise for about 4 billion which was given to charity I heard. He also sold it because he is getting older and admits he wants the rest of the movies completed. This will give new live to the films and allow the work to be finished. So we have to wait this year and almost all of next to see what happens. There are rumors of the actors from 4, 5 and 6 making appearances. Mark Hamill, Carrie Fisher and Harrison Ford I do hope make appearances.
I think however the nice thing about Star Wars is that because of how old it is and long it's been running many generations learned about it and loved it. Staring in the 1970's with it's first movie release all the way till next year so many generations have seen what the Star Wars mania has brought.
I guess only the future will see, for now I just say enjoy the day! Happy Starwars day!
Always remember,
You are never alone...
Here is a picture of George Lucas and the cast throughout 1-6 so far... Pretty amazing...

Friday, May 2, 2014
Why do Traffic Accidents effect the other side?
I think everyone has a good traffic accident story but the one that I just can't ever understand is when there is an accident on the other side of the express way the side thats not effected is slow! Now I get it if there is no barrier then everyone goes slow but today as I drove to work everyone slowed down. I noticed there was an accident on the complete other side of the expressway. It must have just happened because the police were not even there yet.
The traffic slowed down right next to it but it was the express way so the accident wasn't near us a all. Yet our traffic was slow, why! So when Kayla came home she told me the traffic was even worse! When she went to work again the side with no accident was almost at a standstill. Why!
Okay people I know we are all so nosy and have to be in everyone business and see the crash, but honesty just keep driving! Don't slow down and look, don't worry if the accident is on the other side and can't effect you just go! I know when you drive by an accident on your side or near your lane you have to slow down. Yes everyone likes to look a see what happened but honestly just keep moving. I feel like car accidents just draw us to star and gaze.
I know this will probably never change but honestly people just drive. If you want to see car accidents become a tow truck driver.
Always remember,
You are never alone...
The traffic slowed down right next to it but it was the express way so the accident wasn't near us a all. Yet our traffic was slow, why! So when Kayla came home she told me the traffic was even worse! When she went to work again the side with no accident was almost at a standstill. Why!
Okay people I know we are all so nosy and have to be in everyone business and see the crash, but honesty just keep driving! Don't slow down and look, don't worry if the accident is on the other side and can't effect you just go! I know when you drive by an accident on your side or near your lane you have to slow down. Yes everyone likes to look a see what happened but honestly just keep moving. I feel like car accidents just draw us to star and gaze.
I know this will probably never change but honestly people just drive. If you want to see car accidents become a tow truck driver.
Always remember,
You are never alone...
Thursday, May 1, 2014
I think we're in the clear!
As you can see my background has been updated from the cold snow to the nice green springtime theme! Now usually when I talk about spring it snows! However I am planning on taking a chance and running with it! I hope to finally soon update my blog with the features I have been working on. I have a few things behind the scenes and pretty soon I hope to show them off and update the site!
As for now I hope you enjoy the warm air and the green grass that is starting to come back. I think I can finally say spring is here to stay!
Always remember,
You are never alone...
As for now I hope you enjoy the warm air and the green grass that is starting to come back. I think I can finally say spring is here to stay!
Always remember,
You are never alone...
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