I have to admin December was busier than i expected! The past few weeks have been so busy at work. The past weekend Quinn and I had one heck of a weekend. Friday we had some dinner with Hughey and saw our friend Meg. After we headed home to watch some TV and then off to bed.
Saturday we went to church and had our practice! She did so well for doing two sets. After the kids got to have a big pizza party and all hang out. She was so cute, Quinn sat on the floor next to the other children and talked and ate. Just watching her grow up is so amazing. Later that day we took our nap and I brought her to my parents. It was their night to take her to dinner. Every year my parents take Quinn to dinner and just enjoy her. My brother and I still go to dinner with my Aunt to this day. Since we were kids we have gone to dinner and then would spend the night and run around and drive my Aunt and Grandma crazy, but they loved it!
Quinn had such a good time, she loved going out with my rents. The morning however it all started. Quinn woke me up by pretty much throwing up on me. My poor munch! I got the bed stripped and gave her a bath and got her back in her bed. I stayed up all morning getting laundry done and just checking her. I though she just ate something but I gave her some water and toast that morning and she napped in my fresh made bed. A little while later the toast came back up... My poor little munch, and bed! So off the sheets go again! Back in the tub and we stated all over again. I had to call my parents and let them know to tell Vicki and the church staff that I wouldn't be there.
Quinn just relaxed that day and hung out on the couch while I cleaned up and did laundry. I ended up bringing her home early because she wanted to see her Mom. I understand because when kids get sick they want to be by their Mom. I know Dad's are great but there is just something about a mothers love. The rest of the week was good, I picked up Quinn Wednesday and she was great she feels better and we had a nice night in. She's in bed sleeping now and as I review the next few weeks I do feel so blessed. I also know how hard it is now to be a single parent. I have had Quinn while she was sick before but it was difficult trying to get the rooms cleaned and Quinn down. Even though the divorce was for the best, it doesn't make it easy being alone...
I have some great post coming and I can't wait to get the new year post ready. I think it's time for a new year...
I will catch up with you all soon!
A Guide to Single Parenthood. Tips, tricks and life long lessons about just getting by.
"Make sure that what you are doing and striving for is going to be worth any sacrifices you will have to make along the way. If it's a relationship, job, anything in life."
Wednesday, December 19, 2012
Thursday, December 6, 2012
A Dinner with Dave and Jenn
This past weekend we had so much fun! We started off Friday with some dinner, Hughey was out this weekend so I went with Aunt Ro. Later that night we did some Christmas shopping and headed home to just relax.
The next day we went to church to get ready for the pageant. Quinn was in it last year and was so excited to be in it this year as well. Later that day we just hung out and did some cooking. We had company coming over! My mom stopped over and we got to sit and talk as Quinn took her nap. It was so nice to just catch up with my Mom and sit and talk. Quinn woke up and our company came over, Dave and Jenn stopped over for dinner. We had dinner and enjoyed Quinn, after wards we all settled in and watched some TV. Dave has been one of my closest friends his girlfriend works with us and we became good friends as well. They both are very good to Quinn and I and are always there for me. I was so excited to show them the house and have them over for dinner.
The next day we went to church and had another rehearsal. Sundays we usually just take it easy so we played with some toys and just hung around the house. We had some dinner and then home to Mom's.
With Christmas coming Quinn is getting very excited and I can't wait to get the tree up and ready. This time comes and goes so fast sometimes i feel i sit down and it's already the new year.
I hope everyones Holiday Season is going well and I look forward to catching up soon!
Always remember,
You are never alone...
The next day we went to church to get ready for the pageant. Quinn was in it last year and was so excited to be in it this year as well. Later that day we just hung out and did some cooking. We had company coming over! My mom stopped over and we got to sit and talk as Quinn took her nap. It was so nice to just catch up with my Mom and sit and talk. Quinn woke up and our company came over, Dave and Jenn stopped over for dinner. We had dinner and enjoyed Quinn, after wards we all settled in and watched some TV. Dave has been one of my closest friends his girlfriend works with us and we became good friends as well. They both are very good to Quinn and I and are always there for me. I was so excited to show them the house and have them over for dinner.
The next day we went to church and had another rehearsal. Sundays we usually just take it easy so we played with some toys and just hung around the house. We had some dinner and then home to Mom's.
With Christmas coming Quinn is getting very excited and I can't wait to get the tree up and ready. This time comes and goes so fast sometimes i feel i sit down and it's already the new year.
I hope everyones Holiday Season is going well and I look forward to catching up soon!
Always remember,
You are never alone...
Dave and Jenn!
Quinn loved her dinner
Here they are!
Here we all are!!
Just chilling!
Thursday, November 29, 2012
Making the best of what sometimes comes your way…
I’ve learned over the past few years being a single Dad that
I have to sometimes accept what my life now is and when I see Quinn. What I mean by this is, when I signed
the divorce papers I’ll admit I didn’t read them over closely and though we
would work more together on the side.
In fact when I got the papers and my layer advised to change some things
being blinded by love still I didn’t change a thing. Looking back now I realize it was a mistake. Now I also know I can always go back
and look over the paperwork and have a lawyer try to change things but today’s
post is about sometimes looking at how you have it and seeing if the battle is
worth fighting for.
past thanksgiving I didn’t have Quinn.
The way the papers read are as follow, for thanksgiving we switch
years. On odd years I have her on
my scheduled Wednesday and into Thanksgiving. I have to have her home at 6 on that thanksgiving. On even years my ex has her, plus she
has her on my Wednesday so she can travel to see family. The issue I brought up to her in the
beginning was if her weekend follows her year of having her, I won’t see Quinn
at all for about a week and a half, and I wont see her around Thanksgiving or
even near it. She told me, off the
record that’s we would make it so the person who doesn’t have her that next
weekend get’s her thanksgiving.
That way we both can see her.
I questioned this because I knew every year after Thanksgiving it would
be her weekend, but I trusted her.
Something I now know I can not do...
Tuesday before Thanksgiving she texted me saying she had Quinn on Wednesday because it
was her year. I reminded her about
our side deal. The one that
doesn’t matter I guess and she reverted to the court papers. At first I was really upset and
figured she would do this one day.
The days to follow I tried not to think about it and even though about just going back
and getting things like “travel” time revered. As I sit now and write to you all I will tell you I just
moved on from it. I understand it
was my fault for not fighting the paperwork before we signed and I made my bed,
so now I got to sleep in it. I
want to give you all a few tips.
First always read anything that comes your way, epically if it’s
your divorce papers. If you don’t
like something or feel right about it, don’t sign. If you go to trial, then go. I felt rushed, do not feel rushed! Take you’re time and make sure you feel you are both getting
rights epically with it comes to your kids.
If you find you don’t like the deal and you already signed,
think about why you didn’t change it and then try to realize you just have to
work with that change for now at least.
You can always go back it just depends on if you want to use the resources.
Always fight for your child, but don’t let them grow up
thinking all you do is fight.
Fighting to see them is important, but showing them you are also relaxed
is very important. It shows them
you roll with the punches sometimes.
Remember as much as your Ex puts you through hell, your kids will test
you even more.
If you feel you are being taken advantage of over time then
think about going back and having the agreement looked at or changed. Let your Ex know just because the
papers are signed, that doesn’t mean it over for life and settled. In the court system you can always go
back and revert and change and edit things. Just think about if you want too.
Remember that your child will grow up and eventually make
their own decisions. Let them see
you as parent that loves them and they will enjoy spending more time with you
on their own.
So the week came and went and I
took the time to just relax and spend my time with family and friends. It was difficult at times not seeing my
little one but I don’t think about what I can’t do but what we will do. Make the most of the time you have with
you’re kids and always know being there for them and just loving them is all
they want. Do this and they will
enjoy their time with you and as they grow up they made make the decision to
see you more it will be up to their choice. So please don’t ruin your relationship with them now by
fighting, when they grow older they will see this and decide to spend less time
with you. So I made the best of
the sisuation and I moved on. I
see Quinn this Wednesday and the following weeking. I made plans for us and can’t wait to show her how much I
missed her. I look forward to
sharing our adventures with you!
Always remember,
You are never alone….
Monday, November 26, 2012
Alpha and Omega…
A few post ago I went up to the camp with some friends and enjoyed the time away to just relax. While I was there I had some final things to close out for my marriage. It has been since November of 2009 since it all started and now 3 years later I feel I have learned so much. I have been over my divorce on all levels over a year ago, but I had some final things I decided to close out. I decided to wait till we arrived at the camp to properly say goodbye and close out the rest.
The phrase Alpha and Omega to me is very significant. Coming from someone who believes there are rituals when going through life. I didn’t take my ring off till about 2 months after the final papers were signed. I knew once it came off it would never go back on. I also knew I wouldn’t be able to take it off so I requested the help of one of my highest advisors to help me. Again just an example of what this post is about. I found going through my time everyone is different, some people just sing and move on, some take longer, everyone has their own path. I found I usually like to gather around the people that are deep, talk about closure in their blogs or daily life. I have a few friend I met online that have many closing out post and talk about how now the can move on and feel they ended a chapter or two the way the felt they had to. I am also explaining this because I don’t want my readers to think what I am about to talk about is me relapsing. I am fully over my divorce, I just had some final things to close out and I wanted to take some time to share them with you…
When I moved into my home I used some of the things from our marriage in my daily life, and yes I don’t think twice. I collected all the smaller things we had, including the divorce papers and put them in a safe place. I keep them because Quinn will always have the right to see them. There were two items however I felt I had to close out but they were too big. I call them my Alpha and Omega…
Alpha: Growing up my parents hung a memory box up in our family room. It is still there today, as we grew up we filled it with little things that we found or just came across. It is an old printer’s box, now it is very full and there are almost no spots left. We even used the top to hold items, it was that packed. Growing up I knew I always wanted one. When I got married on our honeymoon we went antique shopping and I found one. I already talked to my Ex about it and she thought it was a cute idea. It was our first married purchase. We took it home and hung it up and put a few small things in it to start its growth. This is my alpha because it was the beginning, our first married purchase and the start of our life.
Omega: Now my Omega isn’t really as symbolic but I still feel it is something important. While we were married she bought me a sweatshirt from my old college. She new I needed a new one and found one I really liked. It was comfortable and something I really enjoyed. I was a skater after all. For those that don’t know skaters/snowboards love their hoodies… I also call it my omega because days before our breakup stated she wore it. She never wore any more my stuff so I probably should have known something was up, but I laugh for that’s nothing to think about.
When I got settled in my new home all alone I saw these two items that were pretty much the beginning and end of my story. I didn’t want to keep them because I felt the memory box was something we needed to fill, and I just knew it was time to retire them both. I didn’t want to give them away because it wasn’t someone else’s memory box, it was ours. I knew I wanted to retire them like an old flag, properly with respect. The weekend we went up to the camp I took some time to relax and remember some of the memories I had and sat by the fire and got ready to fully close out that chapter. I took a few things out of the memory box that I had in there from events that didn’t take place with the marriage and went over to the fire.
I set the memory box on the fire and watched as the flames slowly took over. There were still some things in it but I let them go with the box… As the flames curved over the edges and slowly engulfed the box I saw empty holes that will never be filled. I saw memories fade and slowly turn to ash. A life time of memories that weren’t even started yet burned before my eyes. The box started to break apart and I saw a future of laughter and memories crumble in the flames… I placed the sweatshirt on top and the flames grew and took over. I looked on as the flames took them both and returned them to the earth. I was over my marriage but I still looked on with sad heavy eyes as the feeling of failure took over. I say and watch both items break apart. Those boxes will never be filled again; there will no longer be any days of walking with the shirt on laughing or just relaxing at home. Hughey sat with me and was there if I needed him. He understood what I was doing and supported me the whole time.
As the fire slowed down all that was left was some mixed ashes and memories that faded out into the cold night sky…
It was finished…
As I said before I did start my life over a while back and have grown stronger since. This moment in time was just difficult because I knew it was coming and seeing the pieces of history just remained me I may never marry again I may end up alone. It reminded me how much I wanted children but only have one child. It strengthens my fear of trust and companionship and makes me nervous of even the slightest of touches from someone who tries to get close. I now life my life and try to just be the best Dad I can be. I made my bed, now I have to sleep in it. I go on and wonder about the paths now ahead of me. I do know that I will continue to write my story and help anyone who feels they are here. I also posted this because this is a site for single parents but also anyone that needs some help or guidance on divorce. I have said to my readers before that I sill post on divorce because the blog is ended to help those going through it. Just because I am over mine and stronger, doesn’t mean everyone else is…
I made the video below after the divorce started. I’m not exactly sure why I made it. In the beginning I guess just to show my ex what we had and if it was really worth giving up. I showed her eventually when I finished it. She said it was sad, not really what I was going for but I guess that is part of it. I was just trying to go deep. Maybe I’m wrong. If you are viewing this post from an email or phone, and want to see the video just go to the site it’s self. It is at the end of this post. I don’t want people to think however I am backtracking. It was a difficult decision the video is very personal and I didn’t put it up to say I miss what I had. I just wanted to close out this section and let people know that closing out is a part of life. If you end something or close it out the way you need to then do it. There is no shame in that at all.
For anyone reading this that I know I want to say thank you for all your support and love. The past three years have been difficult but I have rebuilt my self and carry on. For anyone that I may not know I hope if you feel this way that you aren’t scared or embarrassed. Going through something like this is horrible and unless you have been divorced or in this spot it’s something you just can’t understand. I hope you haven’t either. The less that have the better…
So I say farewell and I move on with my life, do I still have to pick up Quinn and work with her Mom, of course. I just know that over the past few years I have grown stronger and fully know I am in a place where I feel good and will continue to move on…
Always Remember,
You are never alone…
Love Christopher
Tuesday, November 20, 2012
Tuesdays Tip: Trying not to laugh…
Now they say laughter is the best medicine, and trust me
coming from this single dad it is.
I don’t know if I’ll ever grow up... Yes I have a lot of responsibility
and a home but I can’t help but feel something’s are just too funny…
tell everyone the minute you become a parent, even if you don’t have your child
you are still just a little different.
You are always feeling responsible and having that guys/girls night out
is never like it once was. We have
to instill that we are the bad guys.
Yes I know I said it. Parents
are the "bad guys". We are the ones
that tell them when bed time is, or to eat healthy. We break up the late night parties and take away the
sugar. I will post more on this
later. I just wanted to say when
your child does things that are funny but you have to instill rules, you must
not laugh. The minute they see you
laugh you are done! That rule is
over pretty much. My daughter
also says “are you tricken me daddy?”
Which I also think is just so funny… Sometimes I say no, others I laugh and say yes. The first time I heard that I couldn’t
stop laughing she said it in this cute little voice.
guess there is no real rule for this.
I mean when our kids say things we will laugh. It is just how life goes. I would just recommend that over time we still set the stage
because as parents we still have to be the rule enforcers…I think secretly its
okay to laugh, just don’t let them see you! As we grow we learn and that’s all
we can do…
Always remember,
You are never alone…
Monday, November 19, 2012
The Weekend Update!
Well the weekend has come and gone and again I find my self on my couch thinking about the fun we had. Hughey came over for a movie this past Friday and dinner. We ate our fish and settled in for some TV. Quinn is getting really good at going up to bed and not complaining. She may grunt or put up a small fight, but she goes up. She says her goodbye's and then I carry upstairs and brush our teeth. Then we read some books and listen to music as I rock her to sleep. I have to say she is getting big, holding her in my rocking chair is getting difficult but ill never get up. Rocking her still is one of my favorite things. Taking the time to just hold my little girl and spend a few minutes to just to have her in my arms before she grows up. I always rock her extra long because how of special our time is.
The next day we all had breakfast and put our movie we got on. We rented the Lorax. It was so cute and Quinn loved it. The story was about a boy that learns about the history of how they lost tree's. I won't spoil it for you but in the end I was moved. That day we took some time to do some coloring, playing with our toys and taking a good nap! That night Hughey, my Mom and I took Quinn to our churches annual chili cook off. We had so much fun! I was on vestry when it started and am so excited that it's been over ten years and it is still going strong. Quinn was so excited to see all the people, she was so excited to see Vicki our minister. She loves to hug her and talk to her.
After we stopped over to the back nice to see my work buddy Weaver! Alicia has known Quinn from other work events and she was excited to see her. Quinn is so cute she warms right up. It was a restaurant and she was bar tending. We hung out for a second and then went home. Sunday Quinn and I relaxed and just took it easy. We have a big week ahead of us and just relaxed. Some days it's good to just catch up on relaxing...
With the weekend over and Thanksgiving coming up I'm real excited. I hope everyone had a great weekend.
The next day we all had breakfast and put our movie we got on. We rented the Lorax. It was so cute and Quinn loved it. The story was about a boy that learns about the history of how they lost tree's. I won't spoil it for you but in the end I was moved. That day we took some time to do some coloring, playing with our toys and taking a good nap! That night Hughey, my Mom and I took Quinn to our churches annual chili cook off. We had so much fun! I was on vestry when it started and am so excited that it's been over ten years and it is still going strong. Quinn was so excited to see all the people, she was so excited to see Vicki our minister. She loves to hug her and talk to her.
After we stopped over to the back nice to see my work buddy Weaver! Alicia has known Quinn from other work events and she was excited to see her. Quinn is so cute she warms right up. It was a restaurant and she was bar tending. We hung out for a second and then went home. Sunday Quinn and I relaxed and just took it easy. We have a big week ahead of us and just relaxed. Some days it's good to just catch up on relaxing...
Here we all are!
Weaves and the munch!
Wednesday, November 14, 2012
Tuesday, November 13, 2012
Tuesday's Tip: Checking your emotions at the door
This section I plan on working on a lot over my years of
blogging. Keeping your emotions in
check is something we need to do for any reason. Sometimes single parents have to work harder because they
have to drop off and pick up their kids which can be extremely difficult. We also have to see the Mother or
Father of our child and the can bring up emotions of sadness, anger or even love sometimes. I look forward to blogging about how to
keep our emotions in check over the next few years. I also would love some ideas, or any help so if you read
this please let me know some pointers I would love to add them in. I also will give some examples of my life and if you would care to share any please do so we can only help each other by what we know and have experienced...
will start with the beginning. As a
single parent when everything “goes down” we will feel so many different emotions. When I use the term goes down I mean
either divorce or separation/break up.
The next few months to a year are going to be a rollercoaster and for me
it was very difficult. We lived in
the same home as well as had a daughter together. I admit I was all over the board; I’ve never been through a
divorce and never seen one. If you
are living together then I urge you to try to keep your emotions in check. Now being further along in my blog I
won’t back track and I am working on getting some information updated on my
blog about emotions and going through a divorce up soon. I will start by saying when you move
out, or your partner does this is when your emotions will go in different
directions. When I first moved out
I was a little bit of everything.
I had a new place, my ex and I were getting along, I had Quinn that
first weekend, and things weren’t bad.
Then however when I had to bring her home, I realized I was alone in
this place all by my self. I got lonely
and very sad fast. I called my ex
a lot or talked to family and the first few months were just extremely
was having a hard time keeping my emotions checked at the door and often would
get Quinn and be sad or upset because I wasn’t used to only seeing her for such
a short period of time. It was
very hard I won’t lie, what I found saved me were a few different things.
Time: I am sorry but it just takes time. As time goes on you will learn how to
deal with not seeing your child as much.
I really hate to say that because it is awful but you adapt. Never fully but for the most part you
do. You start to realize the time
you have is very precious and you find great projects and adventures to do and
go on.
Family: Visit family and friends and keep busy by enjoying the
company of others to keep your mind busy
Work: Find a second job or volunteer. You may need too, I had too.
Keep busy: Clean your place, go out and see people. Do things on your free time to keep
busy and enjoy your free time.
Have Faith: If you have a religious setting in your life lean
on it. If not, just have fait that
things will get better. Be
positive, if you have a person of faith in your life call and meet with
them. They will be very helpful.
There are others and I will add
them over time. I am sorry in the
beginning it will be hard and because of this your emotions may over flow and
you will start to show them to friends or family, your ex or even at work. I felt the biggest was just time, as
time goes on you will grow stronger and adapt. Pretty soon you will be getting
your child and on your way. I will
admit you never really master emotions, when I pick up Quinn it can be
hard. I see the home I put a lot
of time effort, work and even money into.
My ex and I didn’t work out but sometimes we laugh and joke with Quinn
when I get her and knowing we will never be a couple again sometimes I leave
heavy hearted. There were good
times before all this happened. I
usually just take a deep breath and move on. Take Quinn home and get ready for the weekend. Call a friend and have dinner, watch a
movie and just hold my daughter.
When I bring her home sometimes I will go to church when it’s empty and
pray. Sit and listen to the
stillness of the room as I close my eyes and gather my thoughts. My family says we can only move
forward, I say you’re right, but it doesn’t always have to be easy…
I look forward to making more
installments of this section as well as adding to the main part of my blog that
I am currently working on. For now
I encourage you to please be calm and relaxed. Don’t show your emotions in front of you child for they will
catch up on them and we need to be strong for them, they are our future.
Whoever you are and wherever you maybe, if you are
reading this please always know…
You are never alone…
Sunday, November 11, 2012
A day in the leaves
Yesterday my Mom and I headed over to the church to help rake up the leaves. Every year we try to get the leaves on the church lawn raked up so it's ready for the winter. The church sits on about 5 acres of land and there are many trees that are on the property. The leaves can get very intense in the fall. So for about 3 hours 15 of us got the lawn cleaned and raked up! We had the leaves put on the sides of the road and someone will come and get them this week.
The past few years I have been very busy with both my jobs, Quinn and just keeping the house in order. I haven't had much time to help with church events so when this event came up I was excited to help out. It was nice to get back in the game and help out. My church is very important in my life and taking a few hours to help out was the least I could do. It was nice at lunch to catch up and talk as well. Trying to get back in the game to help out and be more active is something I really want to do and hope as time goes on I can get back in the game more. Until then I am just taking my time and going at a good pace.
Here are some great pics of our day!
The past few years I have been very busy with both my jobs, Quinn and just keeping the house in order. I haven't had much time to help with church events so when this event came up I was excited to help out. It was nice to get back in the game and help out. My church is very important in my life and taking a few hours to help out was the least I could do. It was nice at lunch to catch up and talk as well. Trying to get back in the game to help out and be more active is something I really want to do and hope as time goes on I can get back in the game more. Until then I am just taking my time and going at a good pace.
Here are some great pics of our day!
Getting Started!
We worked together to get the job done.
There was a lot of yard to cover.
It looked great after.
We raked a lot of leaves.
Taking a small break to just relax.
Getting lunch ready.
Almost done!
Here we all are.
Friday, November 9, 2012
Any ladies creative as this... please call me!
So when I saw this commercial I totally said, "thats the girl you gotta marry!" I just laughed and though it was finally good to see something creative and funny. I think you know what part of this video I'm talking about too... I have to say creativity is a cornerstone to a relationship. I'm sure you have seen it but if you haven't here it is...
Thursday, November 8, 2012
The Weekend Update
This past weekend was a cold and rainy one, but it didn't slow us down! Friday after I picked up Quinn we went home and got Hughey to start HFM! We went to the Nutcracker for dinner and were joined by my parents. It was to have dinner with the 5 of us. Every once and a while Hughey and i have special guest for our fish fry's. We love going out and just having a nice dinner. After dinner Hughey and Quinn and I went and got a movie. I think there are about 1 or 2 blockbuster's left in the county and one is in my town haha. So we got a movie and headed home. The rest of the night we just hung in and relaxed. Friday nights we usually just take it easy and relax from the busy week we had.
Saturday I had my aunt watch Quinn because we had a funeral to attend to. A post will come later, but a very near and dear friend from church passed away this past week. After wards I picked her back up and we went to lunch with the family and friends. My Mom, Quinn and I went and shared our memories of our lost friend. Quinn did so good and just a joy to the people there. She loves hugging everyone and she just brings such smiles to everyone around her.
The rest of the day we just spend relaxing and keeping warm. I forgot to mention friday when Hughey and i got home I went to turn on the furnace and the gas wasn't catching! No heat!! Well I do have electric heaters but I had to tell Quinn to bundle up it was gonna be a cuddle fest... We made it and yes just so you know the furnace is good and fixed! After dinner on Saturday we bundled up and just stayed in. We went out and did some small shopping, we had to go to Home Depot and get a furnace filter, for my furnace that wasn't currently well, on... lol
Sunday we got up and went to church and then had some breakfast with Aunt Ro and some of the family after. Sunday we honestly just relaxed and I got the house cleaned. She took a long nap and i got all my chores done! We had some dinner and then headed home. The weekend was nice and now that it's getting cold out we are getting ready to stay in and work on fun projects or just lay on the couch and watch a good movie.
The only thing i forgot was I didn't take any pictures! Sorry readers, I will make up for it don't worry! As the week drives on I just have to get ready for our next adventure and keep going...
I hope all is well and always remember...
You are never alone...
Saturday I had my aunt watch Quinn because we had a funeral to attend to. A post will come later, but a very near and dear friend from church passed away this past week. After wards I picked her back up and we went to lunch with the family and friends. My Mom, Quinn and I went and shared our memories of our lost friend. Quinn did so good and just a joy to the people there. She loves hugging everyone and she just brings such smiles to everyone around her.
The rest of the day we just spend relaxing and keeping warm. I forgot to mention friday when Hughey and i got home I went to turn on the furnace and the gas wasn't catching! No heat!! Well I do have electric heaters but I had to tell Quinn to bundle up it was gonna be a cuddle fest... We made it and yes just so you know the furnace is good and fixed! After dinner on Saturday we bundled up and just stayed in. We went out and did some small shopping, we had to go to Home Depot and get a furnace filter, for my furnace that wasn't currently well, on... lol
Sunday we got up and went to church and then had some breakfast with Aunt Ro and some of the family after. Sunday we honestly just relaxed and I got the house cleaned. She took a long nap and i got all my chores done! We had some dinner and then headed home. The weekend was nice and now that it's getting cold out we are getting ready to stay in and work on fun projects or just lay on the couch and watch a good movie.
The only thing i forgot was I didn't take any pictures! Sorry readers, I will make up for it don't worry! As the week drives on I just have to get ready for our next adventure and keep going...
I hope all is well and always remember...
You are never alone...
Tuesday, November 6, 2012
Tuesday's Tip: Finding the Time
has passed since I’ve been living on my own and I’ve tried to find the time to
do things like clean, cook, workout and just live. The biggest is cleaning, I used to clean at night or I would
clean a part here and there. Then
I started cleaning Sunday nights after I dropped Quinn off at her Mom’s. I did this for a while but then
realized it was tiring and Sunday nights I love to just relax and prep for the
week. So I started some new times
and different things.
time I started cleaning when Quinn would go down for her nap in the afternoon
every other Sunday. I found I
would go out Friday with her and Saturday, and then when Sunday would come I
would take the day to go to church and then spend the later part of the
afternoon relaxing. I have it down
to a great science now. After
lunch I usually start vacuuming and get the down stairs done then work my way
up. When she goes down I usually
dust, clean the bathrooms and the kitchen. Usually when I’m done she is just about waking up and well
personally I need a nap then!
past Sunday I worked very hard, moving furniture and just over all deep
cleaning. Changing the beds sheets
and did laundry. Once the house
was clean it smelled and looked so nice.
I try this about every two weeks and find it’s a good fit. I grew up cleaning and my parents
raised me cleaning so I’m very happy to live in a nice home I’m proud of. Living clean is very important and the
longer you put if off the harder and more difficult it can be. I guess there is just something about
sitting in my clean living room that makes me feel proud and excited to be a

I suggest finding some time when your child is sleeping or quietly playing to
get some things done around the house that way you don’t have to do things late
at night or early in the morning.
Once you find a time you like and works you will soon be on you’ll way
to running you’re house hold with style and ease…
Monday, November 5, 2012
The Halloween Rap-Up!
was such a success! I picked up Quinn and we headed over to our first
stop, my Aunts house. We got dressed up and rang the doorbell; I got her
ready in the driveway. She went as Bat Girl this year. If she grows
up anything like me then getting ready on the fly will be easy for her.
We hung out with my Aunt for a little and took some pictures. After
we stopped over and saw Uncle Paul. He was so excited to see us and Quinn
just loves her Godfather. A quick stop at Hughey's to say hello to his
Mom and Steve and then we were off! We did stop at Kevmans but nobody was
home. :( Then we went to my rents house! We stopped in and
took some pictures and hung out a little.
I decided to some trick or treating on my old street so my Mom,
Quinn and I went out for a little then stopped back and Quinn and I took my dad
out. It was nice to see the old neighbors and just watch Quinn run from
house to house. She was having so much fun she didn't want to stop!
We must have gone to 20 houses! After getting our candy we had some
dinner at my parents and just relaxed a little more before going home and
putting our treasures away. I was so excited this year because Halloween
was on my day so I got to take her out. She was so excited when I picked
her up; being my first actual Halloween with her as a single dad I was just
overwhelmed with joy to take my little one out.
Walking from house to house and seeing everyone's eyes light up as
they saw Quinn. I have been getting candy from them for years as a little
kid and now I got to see them give candy to my little one. As the night
wound down we relaxed on the couch for some TV and just took it easy. I
got the house in order and we were off to bed. Dad was tired...
I always loved October, Halloween, the leaves changing, Quinn and
my birthday. I can't believe how fast the fall is going and that November
is here! The year is going so fast pretty soon Christmas will be
I hope everyone had a great Halloween this year!
the pics!
Here we are!
Aunt Ro and Quinn
Oma, Poppi with Quinn
Trick or Treating
Here she goes!
She loved it, we went to so many houses.
There's my little one.
Time for dinner.
We had to see our Eve Halloween Kitty!!
In the end we had a great Halloween, saw some family and friends got to get some candy and even celebrate with our kitty. I will talk to you all soon!
Wednesday, October 31, 2012
A Mid Week Break
Happy Halloween! I can't wait to update you on tonight's adventure!
As it starts to get cold out I figured one more summer pic would be good to close out the nice weather!
Here is my little girl with her in the wind...
Monday, October 29, 2012
A Dinner to Celebrate Scouting
A few weeks ago on Wednesday my family went and celebrated Scouting's 100 years of Eagle Scouts. It was nice because I talked to Quinn's Mom and she moved my date to have Quinn so I could go to this dinner. I was shy on babysitters and asked to move my Quinn date to the next day. She said it was no problem and it was really cool. We haven't had to move our days yet and it was nice that when I asked she was cool with it. Its just good how we are working together, I feel this was a win for all. Working together is something everyone wants and in the end if you and your Ex work together and your child is happy then all is good...
So Wednesday I left work and stopped off at my parents. We all went down town and got checked in and caught up with some friends that were there as well. We sat down and had dinner, the food was great and supplied by Palmer foods Palmer Foods. Kip the owner is an Eagle Scout and has a great food market in Rochester. The food was so good and I knew it would be, he does such a good job when it comes to fish and meat. After dinner we had some guest speakers, and some video's and clips about Scouting and Rochester. There were a few Eagle's there that actually got to go to some events that were over sea's and actually meet Lord Baden Powell who was the creator of Scouting.
Scouting has always been a part of our lives and as a family it was really nice to just go and see the years of scouting and what it has done to the community and the many people that are involved. We had a few great guest speakers but were very honored to have the actual President of Scouting there Wayne Brock. It was generous of one of the business men to fly him into Rochester from his meeting where he was. He spoke about scouting and where it was going. It was really interesting and nice to hear the President of all of scouting speak. Once everyone spoke we got up and talked a bit more, I went over and talked Wayne and introduced my self even got our picture. My dad got to meet him and take some time to talk Wayne Brock as well. I know he was excited he was there and I know he wanted to meet him. Its a big honor to meet the person that hight up in our orgaization. He was very nice and didn't mind taking pictures at all.
We had a great night with family and friends as we got home I said goodbye and went home. The night was fun and I got Quinn the next night.
I hope you enjoy the pics!
So Wednesday I left work and stopped off at my parents. We all went down town and got checked in and caught up with some friends that were there as well. We sat down and had dinner, the food was great and supplied by Palmer foods Palmer Foods. Kip the owner is an Eagle Scout and has a great food market in Rochester. The food was so good and I knew it would be, he does such a good job when it comes to fish and meat. After dinner we had some guest speakers, and some video's and clips about Scouting and Rochester. There were a few Eagle's there that actually got to go to some events that were over sea's and actually meet Lord Baden Powell who was the creator of Scouting.
Scouting has always been a part of our lives and as a family it was really nice to just go and see the years of scouting and what it has done to the community and the many people that are involved. We had a few great guest speakers but were very honored to have the actual President of Scouting there Wayne Brock. It was generous of one of the business men to fly him into Rochester from his meeting where he was. He spoke about scouting and where it was going. It was really interesting and nice to hear the President of all of scouting speak. Once everyone spoke we got up and talked a bit more, I went over and talked Wayne and introduced my self even got our picture. My dad got to meet him and take some time to talk Wayne Brock as well. I know he was excited he was there and I know he wanted to meet him. Its a big honor to meet the person that hight up in our orgaization. He was very nice and didn't mind taking pictures at all.
We had a great night with family and friends as we got home I said goodbye and went home. The night was fun and I got Quinn the next night.
I hope you enjoy the pics!
Here we all are! My Brother and Parents
There was a great turn out.
Dinner time
Me and my old man
Just talking
Mr. Marone was there too.
Just the guys talking again...
President Wayne Brock and I.
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