"Make sure that what you are doing and striving for is going to be worth any sacrifices you will have to make along the way. If it's a relationship, job, anything in life."

Wednesday, January 18, 2012

It's that time again!!

Time to go back to The Sandbox!  My brother gave us passes to go for Christmas.  We were so excited I told her last week we were going so when I picked her up she goes. "Goin to the sandbox!"  When we woke up we had breakfast and off we went.

When we got there we realized they moved some of the products and toys around.  The room is filled with toys and things to climb.  She had so much fun and just ran around climbing and playing.  I like to get their early because it's empty and a couple hours in we can have the place to almost our selves.

After we had a little rest and then off to a birthday party.  Tim and Becky's son Kyle was turning 1. We had some lunch and then did presents and played with the kids!  Quinn did so well she opened up so well its so nice to see how well she gets along with others.  We played with blocks and made a fort then the kids knocked it down.

After the party we stopped over my parents to say hello.  They made us dinner and we all played.  Quinn had her first share of Venacine.   My Dad and Brother are hunters and my Pops got a dear this year.  Yes i know there is mixed review about eating deer.  But it is healthier, and I was raised on it and hunting has been in our society since the dawn of time so.

Sunday Quinn and I got up Sunday and just hung out.  We did some puzzles and watched some TV and movies on the couch.  It was a good day to just bond and have a day daughter day.  It was also freezing out so we played it safe in side!  Somedays its just good to hang in on the couch.  Spending time with your child and letting them know your there is something words can't describe.  We had a perfect day just hanging out in our PJ's...

As she grows older I can't believe how independent she is getting.  How she is just turning into this little cute person who can do so much.  I feel my need to help going away!  But then I realize how much more I have to do...

I hope this finds you all well and that your having your own adventures.  As winder comes into full swing we still have a lot of playing to do!

Enjoy the pics!
Back to The Sandbox!

Down I go.

Hanging out with the stuffed animals.

Here I at Tim's house.

Uncle Kevman!!!

Here is the Birthday boy

I love my Uncle Kevman!

Time for Cake

Just goofing off...

My Dad the builder

I was full of energy

Dinner at Oma and Popi's!

I hope everyone is doing well!  I've been rebuilding my site as well as moving forward to reconstruct it.  Things are going well and I can't wait till its done!

I miss you all.

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