"Make sure that what you are doing and striving for is going to be worth any sacrifices you will have to make along the way. If it's a relationship, job, anything in life."

Sunday, March 25, 2012

Were not out of the woods yet!

So last week it was 75 degrees and I turned my heat off.  This week it's back on and my blogging in my sweatshirt.. haha That's Rochester for you!   We get a break in the weather and then back to the 30's!

Well this weekend was a good one!  Friday we did our HFM.  Quinn loves fish so much!  We know eat it a few times a week she can't get enough of it!  Well Friday we relaxed and just enjoyed the company.  Saturday we got up and had breakfast!  Took a long walk and went to the playground.  I was ready for pictures.  She got there and was like, "I wanna go home".  It was really chilly!  So we took a walk back and hung in.  It was so nice last weekend, then this one it dropped to 40 degree's...  Of course right.  Well there is nothing like just hanging out on the couch or playing with puzzles.

Quinn was excited to see her room!  My parents did a great job helping me.  Well I picked out the color and they painted the room just because of how busy I was.  It is so cute but we still have work to do.  The room is coming along and Quinn loves the color!!!

Saturday afternoon Quinn played in her room as I cleaned out her old cloths.  Now that winter is over I have been trying to keep up and get rid of all her old cloths.  I made piles and will donate or sell them off.  There are some cute things I have to give up!  I feel so good though.  Her room is cleaned up and all set for summer.  I will probably have to go shopping but that will be later.   Later that night we also made home made mashed potatoes!  Umm she loved them.  I left some of the skin in and she really loved it.  Try it some time.  Put some of the cleaned off skin in and mash them up.

But for now her room is all set.  When she napped I even cleaned out my room and found cloths I can get rid of and just organize.  It was something I have wanted to do for a long time and now feel great!  The rooms are cleaned up and now this week or the week after I plan on doing some work out side!

Sunday we went to breakfast after church and got some time to see Oma and Popi.  We played with our stuffed animals and just hung out.  Sunday is a hard day only because I have to have her home by 6.  Sucks ass.  There are weekends that i feel i just finally got her.  One of the struggles I work on over coming but it will probably never happen.  I just have move one and keep going.  As I work on my blog on the side I talk more about struggles like this.

Over all the weekend was amazing I just love seeing how she is growing up.  Sunday we were eating some cooked veggies and she loved them!  I find I have to eat when she goes down or I'll never get a bite in!  So I cooked some carrots, broccoli and cauliflower up and she loved it.  Well there goes that work around haha...  Well the thing that really got me was I looked back and she cleaned up the table and threw everything out for me.

I guess Sunday's blog is usually my hardest...  As I read other blogs and blog my self i find there are so many other single parents that are in the same boat.  I have some video of Quinn I just didn't get it loaded on my computer yet!  I have some cute pictures for everyone.

I look forward to again keep working on my blog and get it to be more helpful to others.  This week coming up I hope to get some work done on the house and send out some more post!

I hope this finds you all well...

Always remember,
You are never alone...

WOW! Look at the room!  Just in case your asking, why is she pointing to the ceiling?  She wanted it painted as well.  I told her we keep that white.  

I can't wait to show you the room when it's done!

Here are some of the cloths!  When I got done, the bed was covered!!!

We are making progress!

Quinn then came up and had my glasses on!

I told her to give me a good shot!  What a diva!!!

Saturday we made home made mashed potatoes!!!

There is always time for puzzles!


  1. Love the room, looks great Oma and Poppy. The color is awesome.

    Welcome to spring cleaning. The favorite thing of all home owners is to get ready for summer and warm weather.

    Loved the Diva shot.........quite a gal.

    Love you bushels, Aunt Ro
