"Make sure that what you are doing and striving for is going to be worth any sacrifices you will have to make along the way. If it's a relationship, job, anything in life."

Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Tuesday's Tip: Remembering that you're never alone...

     A few weeks ago Quinn and I went to a birthday party at a bounce house.  If you didn't see that post Read It Here.  While I was there I saw all the kids playing and all the adults talking.  I noticed there were a lot of couples there, husbands and wives, or girlfriends with their boyfriends and all their kids as well.  It was difficult because this was one of the times that it was just Quinn and I and while she played I pretty much just took pictures, cheered her on or looked for a stone to kick around...  I talked to the mother of the birthday boy a little but that really was it.  For a short time while I was there among all the wedding bands, I couldn't help but feel alone...  

     Sometimes its hard to see all those working couples happy and getting along.  As a single parent I love my time with Quinn and have learned to be productive while I do not have her.  There are sometimes it can get sad, mainly when I am around many couples.  Do I miss my ring?  Sometimes, I miss the company and the working together part.  As I walked around at first I felt I was the only single dad there, but as time moved on I realized I wasn't alone.  I had my little one, when the event was over we walked out and even though I know she will grow up and move on for now I'm her Daddy...  I think that some days my day is sad or lonely and that it's just to hard to even want to get out of bed.  I then remember there are parents that buried their kids and would give anything for a day with them.  Others that don't know their kids or their child moved away.   Sometimes I have to realize that seeing Quinn just under half the month is still more than others, and that is a gift...

     When I tell you at the end of every post to always remember you are never alone, I tell you this because you aren't.  There are difficult times, there are times that make you remember when you were with that someone but you always have to keep pushing, fighting loving...

Call a friend, family member but always, always, always..... remember...  You are never alone....



  1. Here's another thing, just because someone has a ring on does not mean they are happy, or that they are perfect, or that they are working together. You never know the back story on someone else's life. Just live for yourself and enjoy your daughter. :)
