of course want to have fun and have all their stuff in one spot and take
everything out and then leave it. She needs to realize she needs to put
everything away, and lately it has proven more difficult because she is getting
older and almost giving attitude. So what do you do to help stop
this? Well as you can see I titled this part 1 because I have a feeling
there will be more to come. Since I have just started I also am learning
to figure this out myself. However I have some starter tips!
your child start to become defiant always try to keep your cool and don’t raise
your voice. Talk to them politely and let them know why something has to
be done a certain way or why you are telling them no to something. If
they don’t listen then remind them and go over it again. Let them know
you are serious. Now the next steps are gray area for everyone, people
can discipline however they wish if it gets to that but I usually tell her if
it continues to happen she will lose TV time or be in a time out. If she
is not cleaning up, advise them you will do it and take toys. You are not
being unfair, you are letting them know that they are not listening and they
will lose privileges or toys if they keep up the bad behavior. There
is no doubt that kids are growing up faster and faster, with the way
technology is growing kids now have phones and technology at such a young age.
I feel sometimes they feel they are in charge and this can not happen.
You have to be stern if you make a punishment. Follow through and if
they continue then show them you are serious.
was acting up and I told her she was going to lose some TV if she kept up what
she was doing and she did. When we got home she was in bed earlier and I
told her why. She understood because I told her what we talked about
earlier and I warned her but she didn’t listen. You just have to keep reinforcing
that they have to listen to you and that they can’t always have their
way. Let them know you are open to negotiate with them but they don’t
tell you how it is. In the end we are the parent and we have to keep them
safe and that maybe spoiling the fun. Over time they will listen and if
you keep instructing it will happen.
I was younger my father always told my brother and I to clean the
bathroom. We split the work and complained to him but over time it went
away and we just did it. Now I love cleaning and it’s because my parents
keep telling us how important it is and that if you do it early you will be
done and then it’s all set! I will blog about this down the road.
Remember to keep your cool and just talk to them, use time outs and loss of
privileges if you need to. I will follow up with you more too as time
goes on. I have a feeling age 5 is not the end of it…
Always remember,
You are never alone…
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