Always know that what you are paying for is so important and that one day that little person will grow up and you won't have to pay that support. Know how important it is to be there for your kids and show them how much you love them. Take the time to just hang out with them and laugh with them. I know times may get financially hard but look at other options there are and to just keep pushing. As Quinn gets older she will be able to make her own options and do more as she wishes.
Throughout the good and bad with your ex just do your best to know your little one is counting on you and to never give up. I'm not a saint and I have had my times of trial but I learn and we move on. We do the best we can, because that's all we can do. There are long nights and dark mornings but remember if you slip its OK just catch yourself before you fall. As you go through life do one thing, show your kids you love them more than anything and that they are your world. They will grow up and soon fight to see you...
Below are a few of the reasons that the working those long nights don't matter...
Never forget you are more important to them than anything...
Never give up.
Always Remember You are Never Alone...
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