For a while now I had jackets, and some other clothing from her and her family I wore here and there. Kayla never minded but before we were to marry I made the decision to just have anything left from my Ex in a safe tucked away in case I need it. Like any legal paperwork. I kept letters, cars, pictures and anything else sentimental in there because Quinn may want to see it, and she has a right to see her parents for we split up when she was young. I of course won't let her open it until she is much older and ready. So that night up North one of her best friends made us a fire and the two of us put in some of the items we both had. As they caught fire a feeling of freedom overcame us and a sense of not being bullied or hurt anymore. I hugged her and told her they can't hurt us anymore, they cant bully us or talk down to us, they can't touch us anymore and that we are finally free...
I know I will have to work with my ex down the road but I will no longer feel scared or that she is in control. I will also remain calm and not get worked up anymore. As I looked at the fire burning away the things that linked me to my ex I felt the weight lifted like I was putting an end to an anger that was secretly there. An anger that wouldn't leave or let me live my life free. I know everyone is different and some may just throw away or give things away but for me the sight of the flames consuming an objet and returning it to the ashes it once came from reminds me that we are the same. We come from ashes and to ashes we shall return. When the items are fully gone the sense that they will not come back makes you fee free. Our home has nothing in it to remind me of my ex, just Quinn and a safe tucked away. Quinn also has a lot of me in her so that isn't something I use to think about it either. Now as we move forward we just live our lives we will never bring up or ex's unless we have to and they will live their lives.
We don't care because now, we are free...
You are never alone...
Chris, that's wonderful!