"Make sure that what you are doing and striving for is going to be worth any sacrifices you will have to make along the way. If it's a relationship, job, anything in life."

Thursday, August 6, 2015

The Night Before we leave...

     So here we are the night before we head up north for the big wedding!  I will probably post this on Thursday but I am writing it the night before... As I sit here and think about all I have been through I honestly wasn't sure I would ever be here.  Five years ago I was going through my divorce in my new home alone, missing Quinn and wondering if it will ever get better.  Now I am here on the eve of my wedding weekend in love and with someone who loves me so much.

     I have someone who loves Quinn so much and now lives with us and cares for us.  If you look back through my blog you will see how much I've progressed and all i can say is to anyone in the same spot it will get better.  I thought for the longest time it never would but it does.  There is a time when you will get better and stronger and come across someone who will love you so much and take care of you as I met Kayla.

     So everything is done and our bags are packed.  Everything is really done all we have to do now is get there and show up.  Our friends and family are coming and the time is set.  Like a test you can only study so much until the test arrives...

     I hope anyone reading this in a place I once was, know it will get better...  Just look back to any of my post and see...

I can't wait to start my life with you as your husband Kayla.  I love you so much...

Always remember,
You are never alone...


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