"Make sure that what you are doing and striving for is going to be worth any sacrifices you will have to make along the way. If it's a relationship, job, anything in life."

Saturday, November 1, 2014

It's that time again!

     The Heat is on!  Yes I know it's time to kick on the old furnace.  I have been hoping for warmer weather for a while but with the weekend being cold and Kay not feeling well I knew today it was time to fire it up!  I know you should check it before days like this because if you have an issue now isn't the time to fix it!  I think last year, or the year before we had a small issue and my Dad had to order a new part.  We installed it and since everything has been great.

     I always love talking to friends and seeing when they turn on their furnace.  I get a lot of different responses.  I think my brother wont have his head on his Apt till January!  Typically November is my earliest start date.  I think unless we have snow on the ground in October it is just to early.  I would like to go later but I don't want to have ice coming out my sink!  So with the heat on I finally feel the start of winter is coming.  We have to turn our clocks back tonight as well!

     So to my readers I ask is your heat on?  If not are you getting ready?  Winter is coming and they did say this year will be a colder one!  Make sure your furnace is ready to go now because you don't want to be stuck out in the cold!

Always remember,
You are never alone...


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